Rabu, 17 Desember 2014


About two days ago, when I'm bored to death, gue akhirnya keluar dari "kandang" gue and maen sama temen-temen gue.
Berawal dari bbm teman gue yang minta tolong untuk ngasuh her mini pincher for a while karena di Ciwalk walaupun bisa bawa pet, tapi tetap aja gak boleh masuk ke dalem mall kan.
And, pergilah gue ke Ciwalk. Sebosen-bosen apapun gue, kalo udah yang namanya guguk (gue gak pernah suka nyebut kata a*jing untuk memanggil hewan imut yang satu ini), gue pasti bakal semangat semangat aja.
And then, there she go, the cute female mini pincher with name .. Milly

Hy Aunties and Uncles,
I'm Milly. ^3^

Aw aw aw, look how cute she is. :3
And Yes, I'm fall in love in the first sight with her.

Rabu, 26 November 2014

Do It While You Can


Kebanyakan orang pasti selalu berpikir seperti ini kalau mau melakukan hal-hal diatas.
"Siapa sih gue?"
"Ngapain juga gue musti kayak gitu? Gue bukan siapa-siapa, belom jadi siapa-siapa."
(Sebenarnya itu juga yang gue pikirin dulu.)

Selasa, 25 November 2014

When I Miss You

Dear you,
I wish I could tell you before, how I love you so much.
But instead of saying that to you,
I keep do silly act and make you mad.
I wish I could tell you before, how I really-really appreciate all the things you've done for me.
But instead of saying that to you,
I run and leave you alone in that day.
I wish I could tell you before, how I'm so thankful for all your blessing.
But instead of saying that to you,
I sometimes yell back and cursing on you.
I wish I could tell you before, how you mean so much, how you are my world.
But instead of saying that to you,
I keep busy with my own world.
And now, I wish I can have once in a lifetime miracle ..
How I really-really want to meet you again, hug you once again, kiss your forehead, and say this to you ..
"Forgive me for being naughty kiddo,
Forgive me for being selfish kiddo,
Forgive me for not be there by your side when you needed me the most to fight your cancer,
Forgive me for not saying this even just for once to you because I know, this little words can make you smile and become the happiest women in this world ..
I Love You Mom .."

Aah, I wish this post can be seen from your place up there.

For all friends who read this, hug your mom after read this, say how much you love her, because you will never know if later you will not have the chance to tell it to her again.
Always love your mother, cherish her, take care of her, it's because of her struggling we can be born in this world.


Black and White.
Dua warna yang menjadi favorit gue. Dan kesukaan gue terhadap dua warna juga totally mempengaruhi selera gue di fotografi. Dua warna yang menurut gue adalah dua warna paling tegas dan paling murni dari semua warna yang ada. Itu kalo menurut gue.

Jumat, 21 November 2014

Ask This To Yourself

Yes, how many people can ask that to their self?
How many times you ask it to yourself?
No, maybe more exactly is,
When you have the courage to ask it to yourself?

Kamis, 20 November 2014

After "Blocked" for a year.

Image from Google
Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. (Source Wikipedia )
Kalo dibahasa indonesiain, intinya Writer's Block itu saat dimana seseorang yang punya hobi nulis sedang kehabisan ide untuk nulis alias blank.
Dan yups, ini yang terjadi sama gue sejak setaun yang lalu. Keinginan buat nulis ada, dikepala rasanya penuh banget sama yang mau ditulis, tapi begitu didepan layar, all suddenly gone, like sand dust in the wind.
Bisa dibilang karena sikon pribadi gue dan kesibukan gue, jadi pas gue depan layar buat nulis udah kadung capek and all I think is sleep. *lol*
But finally, I'm back. Udah pengen ngeblog sejak minggu lalu, but I'm too busy with some jobs.

Today, gue ngutak ngatik lagi blog gue, baca-baca postingan gue yang jaman baheula, dan cuma bisa geleng-geleng pas bacanya. Ada sedikit flashback ke masa lalu, sedikit merasa konyol ngeliat postingan-postingan gue dulu yang benar-benar absurd and gak jelas.
Mudah-mudahan dengan begitu banyak yang udah gue lewatin pas masa-masa keblock kemaren (berasa akun sosmed), start from today I can write and share good things that hopefully can give you a good, inspirational, and motivational to you.

See you in the next post.